Strong Leadership

Campaign Staff

Richard HewisonTreasurer & Interim Leader

Richard stood for mayor of London last year as well as being a candidate for the London Assembly and the Bexley by election.

Andrew SmithChair
Ben RendCandidate

Ben first came to the UK as an asylum seeker in the mid 90s and has seen first hand what it’s like being on the receiving end of Britain’s immigration policies. Having watched his former country of Yugoslavia degenerate into xenophobic hatred, he is determined not to stand by idly and watch the same happen here.

Brendan DonnellyCandidate

Brendan is a former Conservative Member of the European Parliament, who left the Conservative Party in protest against its anti-European policies. 
Before entering politics, Brendan Donnelly worked as an official in the Foreign Office,the European Parliament and the European Commission. He now runs a pro-European think tank

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